Welcome to the PT电子 Concurrent Enrollment Program

Concurrent enrollment is defined as the enrollment of a high school student in a college course taught on a high school campus (or in selected cases on the college campus or by distance/digital technology) for high school credit and college-level credit. (Arkansas Code §6-18-223). Concurrent enrollment allows students to obtain credit toward a high school diploma at the same time they earn college credit.

Dual enrollment is defined as the enrollment of a high school student in postsecondary education for college-level credit exclusively. (Arkansas Code §6-60-202).

Approval -The PT电子 concurrent enrollment program is approved by the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

If you are interested in receiving concurrent enrollment credit (college credit + high school credit), please contact your high school counselor to discuss eligibility requirements and concurrent credit course offerings to achieve maximum benefit from concurrent enrollment.

If you are interested in receiving dual enrollment credit (college credit only), please contact the PT电子 Director of Concurrent Credit at (870) 460-1668.

Concurrent credit may be received by the following:

  • On site at PT电子’s 3 campuses (Monticello, Crossett, or McGehee) with a PT电子 approved faculty member
  • Online course with a PT电子 approved faculty member
  • On site at your high school with a high school instructor approved by PT电子

Eligibility/Admission Requirements for both concurrent enrollment and dual enrollment:

  • High school student in grades 9-12
  • Complete PT电子 concurrent admission application 
  • Proof of immunizations clearly showing two MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) injections and/or exemptions
  • Letter of recommendation from a high school administrator, completed on official school letterhead, indicating that the student may enroll in college-level work
  • Qualified placement scores (acceptable exams include: ACT, Accuplacer Next Generation, SAT, ASPIRE at 9th or 10th grade level) Please contact your high school counselor or the PT电子 Director of Concurrent Credit for course specific test score requirements.
  • High school transcript

For a student born internationally, Arkansas law requires Department of Health Tuberculosis Screening and PT电子 requires completion of a Tuberculin Data Collection Questionnaire for College Students.

**Returning concurrent enrollment students do not need to complete a new application or submit additional admission documents. Unless they would like to provide updated test scores for course placement.

Please contact your high school counselor to obtain the necessary supporting documents (transcript, immunization, letter of recommendation, placement scores). After you complete your PT电子 admission application, contact your high school counselor to discuss course registration.

As a concurrent high school student, you are required to follow all PT电子 policies and procedures. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the PT电子 Concurrent Student Handbook and the PT电子 Student Handbook.

PT电子 Concurrent Student Handbook

PT电子 Student Handbook

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their